Daniel Perrefort

Quality-driven software engineering professional with 8+ years of experience in developing scalable solutions, leading cross-functional teams, and leveraging modern technologies to drive innovation.
As an active adventurer and alpine mountaineer, I'm currently working to climb the highest points in all 50 US states. Whether working with a team of climbers or a team of developers, I bring a collaborative spirit, a strategic mindset, and a relentless drive to overcome challenges and achieve goals.
Technical Skills
- Languages: Python, JavaScript, SQL, Bash
- Web Development: Django, Flask, Angular, HTML, CSS (Bootstrap)
- Cloud & Containers: Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Docker, Podman
- VCS & CI/CD: Git, GitHub, GitHub Actions, Jenkins, Travis
- HPC Management: Slurm, Lmod, Spack
- Data Science: Pandas, Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib
Design and Delivery
Extensive experience developing software to meet detailed project requirements and design conditions.
Diverse Project Experience
Comforatable working in diverse software ecosystems to build web, API, and command-line based software tools.
Data-Driven Communication
Expert in maximizing data-driven communication to collaborate effectively with diverse, cross-disciplinary teams.
Quality Driven Development
Well versed in managing comprehensive test suites and QA standards using a variety of modern frameworks.
DevOps and Automation
Design DevOps strategies at scale, including CI/CD automation and infrastructure management.
Professional Experience
Research Assistant Professor
2021 - Present
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
- Accelerate user engagement by designing, implementing, and deploying back-end software solutions to support 3 new customer services, earning recognition for resourcefulness and productivity
- Blueprint and teach three-hour workshops on software engineering principles, including git/Github, software design, CI/CD, and software testing
- Train and mentor 4 junior team members on software development fundamentals, including object-oriented design, version control systems, and common software quality standards
- Revitalize team roadblocks into opportunities by leading 4 projects to catalog and pay off 40% of total long-standing technical debt in 1 year
- Spearhead the team-wide adoption of modern software development workflows and tools while working to improve overall software quality, achieving institutional versatility in the industry
- Consult in conjunction with 12 faculty and engineers to build a high quality HPC service platform
Graduate Research Assistant
August 2015 - May 2021
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
- Directed the development of object-oriented software tools designed to streamline workflows and simplify data processing, reducing project onboarding time by over 40%
- Maximized on data-driven communication to collaborate effectively with teams having diverse levels of expertise and experience
- Coordinated with solutions architects from a world-leading software company to build scalable, cloud-based systems for globally publishing scientific data streams
- Collaborated in diverse software ecosystems to build web, API, and command-line software tools
- Optimized scientific software projects at both the development operations and source code levels by offering personalized project consultations and code reviews for junior researchers
Dark Energy Science Collaboration
August 2015 - Present
- Lead 4 research projects to design data-driven procedures to support the world’s largest optical telescope
- Collaborate with peer researchers to publish 7 research papers, including 2 first author publications
- Serve on the membership and mentorship committees to facilitate organizational outreach and team building
Ph.D. - Astrophysics and Cosmology
2015 - 2021
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
M.S. - General Physics
2015 - 2017
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA
B.S. - Applied Physics
2011 - 2014
University of Connecticut, Storrs CT
Professional Organizations
Dark Energy Science Collaboration
2016 - Present
Full Member
Planning projects, managing junior personnel, building software, and analyzing data to support the world’s largest optical telescope.
UConn Student Leadership Board
2022 - Present
Alumni Mentor
Mentor UConn undergraduate students on professional networking and career goals.
- Alumni Mentor: 2022 - Present
- Board Member: 2014 - 2015
Recent Talks
An incomplete sampling of recent talks I have given on various topics.
- Sept 29, 2022 Version Control with Git and Data Management Perspectives
- Center for Research Computing, University of Pittsburgh
- Aug 11, 2020 Identifying 91bg-like Supernovae with Rubin-LSST
- Rubin Observatory Project and Community Workshop, Virtual
- Sep 26, 2019 Photometric 91bg Classification using Light-Curve Morphology
- Midwest Workshop on Supernovae and Transients, Ohio State University
I work with an amazing team of individuals from around the globe. Here are some recent workshops I've attended along with their official workshop photos (where available).
- November: Super Computing 2023
- July: Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing
- November: Super Computing 2022
- August: Rubin Observatory Project and Community Workshop
- August: Dark Energy Science Collaboration Bi-Annual Meeting
- February: Dark Energy Science Collaboration Bi-Annual Meeting
- November: Super Computing 2021
- November: LSST Broker Technical Workshop
- August: Rubin Observatory Project and Community Workshop
- July: Dark Energy Science Collaboration Bi-Annual Meeting
- Apr: LSSTC Enabling Science Broker Workshop - Part II
- Feb: Dark Energy Science Collaboration Bi-Annual Meeting
- Sep: TOM Toolkit Workshop
- Sep: Midwest Workshop on Supernovae and Transients
- Aug: LSST Project and Community Workshop
- Jul: Coordinated Theoretical-Experimental Project on QCD
- Jul: Dark Energy Science Collaboration Meeting
- May: PITT-PACC Phenomenology Symposium
- Feb: Dark Energy Science Collaboration Meeting
- Feb: Dark Energy Science Collaboration Broker Workshop
- Feb: UConn Astro-Lunch Seminar Series
- Jan: The Future of SN Host Galaxy Studies
- Oct: LSST / DESC Calibration Workshop
- Sep: Phipps Science Communication Workshop
- Jul: Dark Energy Science Collaboration Meeting
- Jun: Data Visualization and Exploration in the LSST Era
- May: PITT-PACC Phenomenology Symposium
- May: LSST Data Science Fellowship Workshop
- Apr: New Advances in NIR Type Ia Supernova Science
- Feb: Dark Energy Science Collaboration Meeting